Friday, May 1, 2009

Avoiding the Swine Flu

Although this new strain of swine flu that is currently making rounds in Mexico and around the world is simply another strain of influenza, due to its ability to easily affect anyone it comes in contact with caution should be taken to avoid becoming sick with swine flu. If you have children, are particularly susceptible to colds and flu, or have any kind of immune problems then you should certainly do everything you can to no come down with swine flu.

Here are a few things you can do to keep from getting the swine flu:

1) Avoid public places: schools, churches, and public transportation are places where people are in continuous close contact, making it the perfect place for illnesses like the swine flu to multiply.

2) Wash and disinfect: wash your hands anytime you come into contact with someone else, as well as before and after you eat. Buy some Lysol disinfectant and use it on your doorknobs, counters and anywhere you touch regularly.

3) Avoid sick people: stay away from anyone who is showing flu symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or fever.

4) Stay home: while this may not be an option for most people, the more you avoid contact with others the better chance you have of not picking up the flu. Try heading to public places (like the grocery store) when they are less busy, and take this opportunity to catch up on some housework or home improvement.

5) Be prepared: pick up some Tamiflu and enough food to last a few days, including lots of juice in case you get sick. Locate your nearest emergency center and pay attention to public announcements about the swine flu.

6) Get a mask: wearing an approved filter mask can prevent the transmission of the swine flu from one person to another. Consider getting one to wear if you need to head out to a public area where the flu can spread easily.

For most people who get the swine flu they will simply have a few days of flu like symptoms, however it is important to keep an eye out for more serious symptoms such as a high fever, difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness. With some precautions we can avoid the spread of swine flu.

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Interesting link:
N95 Respirator/Flu Mask
Swine Flu Protection Store
Defender SENTINEL1 Ultra Compact Web Ready DVR Security System

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