Friday, May 1, 2009

Prevent Swine Flu Using a Safe, Natural, Proven Method

Is it possible to prevent swine flu from infecting you when, around the world, public health authorities are on high alert against the threat of a global swine flu pandemic as I write this. If you wonder what you can do to protect yourself, and your family, you'll want to read this article very carefully.

Twenty people have already died in Mexico of "Influenza A H1N1 swine virus", a new strain that has never been seen before. For some time scientists have been predicting a new flu virus that could cause a global pandemic, and authorities are already suggesting that this is the long awaited new virus that will cause it.

Health authorities are concentrating on containing this outbreak with targeted pharmaceuticals. Early tests indicate that this particular virus is sensitive to two antiviral drugs, Tamiflu and Relenza, which several countries have stockpiled for just such an emergency.

In addition, there may be calls for mass vaccinations to contain the spread of the disease, as there were in 1976. In that year the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of The United States Public Health Service recommended vaccinating the entire population to prevent a pandemic.

However, vaccinations pose considerable threats because they contain toxic ingredients, including formaldehyde. The list of possible side effects can even include death. In fact, in 1976, the vaccine manufacturers insisted that the federal government indemnify them against claims of adverse reactions, as a requirement for release of the vaccines. You may wonder why they would do that if the vaccines were safe? According to Marc Siegel MD, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, the 1976 vaccination program probably led to almost 1,000 cases of ascending paralysis (Guillain Barre Syndrome).

It's no wonder that more and more people have become distrustful of such vaccines, despite dire warnings from governments that they are necessary to protect us. We will come back to the possible "hidden motives" for such warnings in a moment.

The first concern is whether there is anything you can do to safely protect yourself, and your loved ones, from these inevitable viral threats, without resorting to questionable vaccines? Is there a natural way to fortify your body's defenses against both known and unknown viruses, including the latest swine flu?

Most people are not aware that, long before the modern era of patented pharmaceuticals, natural substances were used to effectively combat influenza epidemics. For example, in the worldwide influenza pandemic of 1918-20, two British military physicians, Oliver and Cantab, were treating Indian Gurkha soldiers. They encountered an 80% mortality rate among the soldiers who developed pneumonia. In desperation, they administered intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide and reported more than 50% reduction in mortality.

In fact, hydrogen peroxide is so effective in rendering viruses "noninfectious" that a US patent application was recently filed for "methods for producing a vaccine composition containing a pathogen that is rendered noninfectious by exposure to hydrogen peroxide. The methods disclosed herein are suitable for the preparation of vaccines for a wide variety of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and parasites." Interestingly, hydrogen peroxide replaces the currently used ingredient, formaldehyde, in this process. (See USPTO Application #: 20070031451. Title: Inactivating pathogens with hydrogen peroxide for vaccine production)

If you wonder why hydrogen peroxide, which is readily available for little cost, has not been used in combating modern viruses, you don't need to look very far to find out. As any good investigative reporter will tell you, "Follow the money." If there are "hidden motives" or conflicts of interest in public health policy, this is how to find them.

According to Wikipedia, "Many nations, as well as the World Health Organization, are working to stockpile anti-viral drugs in preparation for a possible pandemic. Oseltamivir (trade name Tamiflu) is the most commonly sought drug, since it is available in pill form... Tamiflu was originally discovered by Gilead Sciences and licensed to Roche for late-phase development and marketing... Donald Rumsfeld, a shareholder in Gilead Sciences, has profited from the US government stockpiling of oseltamivir in case of an influenza pandemic."

Peter Kang reports on Forbes website, in an article dated 02.01.06, that "Gilead's marketing partner Roche reported 2005 Tamiflu sales of $1.2 billon with approximately half of that amount related to pandemic stockpiling."

It will not surprise anyone who has sufficiently researched the field of alternative health to learn that pharmaceutical corporations, and their shareholders, are making enormous profits because of the fear of pandemics. While it may be going too far to suggest that this fear is actually encouraged by these corporate interests, it is certainly undeniable that fear is very good for their bottom line.

What is also well known to such researchers is that there are effective natural substance that you can use to build your defenses so as to prevent swine flu viruses, and most others, from infecting you, and your loved ones. Thanks to the Internet, you now have access to information about safe, low cost alternative remedies that can help you prevent swine flu, as well as protecting you from an astonishingly "wide variety of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and parasites."

I encourage you to do your own research to find the information that can empower you to take control of your own healthcare choices. The best antidote to media fostered hysteria is accurate knowledge of all your alternatives.

Mary Helen Sutherland is an Alternative Health Researcher and Journalist. She is committed to sharing information that empowers you to make your health-care decisions from the broadest range of available knowledge. To learn more about how to prevent swine flu go to

Interesting link:
N95 Respirator/Flu Mask
Swine Flu Protection Store
SVAT CV0204DVR Web-Ready DVR Security System

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