Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Explained

Swine Flu is a virus that usually affects pigs, but recently has begun to infect humans as well. Understanding this disease can help dispel some of the panic and alarm that many people are raising as this virus spreads across all continents.

There are many different types of flu, and flu viruses are able to mutate into new formations all the time. The swine flu is so named because the genetic structure closely resembles that of a flu virus that normally infects pigs. Like most flu viruses, this virus is likely transmitted through bodily fluids, such as those that are expelled when someone coughs or sneezes. This is why many people choose to wear N95 masks, which filter out the infectious particles.

When a person is infected it can take anywhere from one to four days for symptoms to appear. This strain of flu has symptoms that are similar to regular strains of influenza, which is why it is so hard to tell it apart from other strains.Flu symptoms include coughing, sneezing, aches and pains, fever, chills, vomiting and diarrhea.

Influenza can be dangerous, even deadly, for those with weak immune systems, the young and old. Adults who are in good health will normally recover within a week to ten days without medical intervention. Parents should keep a close eye on their children and watch for signs of difficulty breathing, such as blue skin as well as sluggishness or high fever which may be an indication that professional assistance should be sought.

The swine flu has struck in the United States before, back in 1976. At this time officials thought that a pandemic would occur, so they undertook to vaccinate a large portion of the population. However at the time the flu virus was not virulent enough to cause a pandemic. Since then there have only been about 12 cases of this flu and no deaths.

So why is this particular outbreak considered more serious? It would appear that the current strain of swine flu is much more contagious, and has a wider impact on our immune system than previous strains. It can spread quite rapidly and is more difficult to keep under control. While many different strains of the flu circulate the world at any one time, few of them are very dangerous. This flu appears to be much more serious due to its ability to infect more people and cause death.

Anyone who is in contact with the public should protect themselves from contracting the swine flu by avoiding anyone showing flu symptoms. Frequent hand-washing is also vital. Those who have flu symptoms should stay home to keep from infecting others. Additionally there are some over the counter drugs that appear to help limit the seriousness of the flu virus. Tamiflu and Relenza have previously shown activity against this flu virus, although no one is certain that these drugs will help against the current strain. In the meantime the World Health Organization is attempting to identify the flu gene for this virus so that a vaccine can be created.

Angela Heidt is a freelance writer and stay-at-home-mom. Learn how you can become a freelance writer at

Interesting link:
N95 Respirator/Flu Mask
Hand Sanitizer
Lorex LW1012 2-Camera Color Wireless Surveillance System

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